Invisible Braces
Want to have straight teeth and beautiful smile but don’t want to get traditional braces? Then Invisible braces are for you.
What is an Aligner treatment?
It is a process of wearing a series of removable, clear plates that helps to gradually straighten your teeth.
What is a clear aligner made of and how do they look like?
Clear aligners are made of flexible plastic which doesn’t contain any type of latex or gluten.
They usually look as thin, clear, and teeth shaped plates which fit over your teeth and is virtually invisible.
They usually look as thin, clear, and teeth shaped plates which fit over your teeth and is virtually invisible.
How does the treatment work?
How long does the treatment take?
The time to be taken for the treatment depends on various factors like how complex your case might be, or how much space is there in your mouth. It also depends on how often you are wearing your aligners. Keeping all these factors in mind your dentist will determine how long you need your treatment to go on.
How often do I need to wear these aligners throughout the day?
For best results you should at least wear it for 20-22 hours in a day, at least during the first 2-4 months.